US Work Of Lascar Employee Recognised With BrightSparks Award
News Work of Lascar Employee Recognised with Electronics Weekly BrightSparks Award

Work of Lascar Employee Recognized with Electronics Weekly BrightSparks Award

Congratulations to Lascar employee John Alton, who has received a BrightSparks Award from Electronics Weekly in recognition of his work at Lascar on the development of our PanelPilotACE product. The BrightSparks awards aim to inspire and encourage new entrants to the electronics industry by giving some insight into the work and achievements of those in the early stages of their electronics careers. John spent four years studying electronic engineering at the University of Southampton, starting a summer internship with Lascar Electronics after his first year of University. During that first summer, he was introduced to the company’s new PanelPilot display range, and began work on the first proof of concept of what would become PanelPilotACE, our custom panel meter and touchscreen controller. John returned to Lascar every summer before joining the company full-time upon graduation in 2014. Today, he continues to work on the PanelPilot range. Recent developments he has brought to market include data logging functionality, a seven-inch display variant and RS485 features.

Lascar Electronics looks to attract high-calibre electronics graduates by providing them with the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and take early responsibility for product development. We have a focus on handheld instrumentation, with our skills including Analog and Digital circuits, schematic and PCB layout design and LCD/LED display design capabilities. Each year, Lascar has internships and graduate vacancies available at its Salisbury UK, US, and Hong Kong offices, and we are currently building self-contained apartments in Fordingbridge to allow us to offer subsidized accommodation. For further information about our graduate career opportunities, please see our Careers Page.