US Lascar Launches New Remote 21CFR Data Logging System
New Remote 21CFR Data Logging System

Lascar Launches New Remote 21CFR Data Logging System

Lascar has launched a new series of eleven 21CFR-enabled WiFi loggers with their own 21CFR cloud-based monitoring system. The new range includes two internal temperature sensor products EL-WIFI-21CFR-T and a higher accuracy version EL-WIFI-21CFR-T+; a temperature and humidity logger EL-WIFI-21CFR-TH and a higher accuracy version EL-WIFI-21CFR-TH+; two external thermocouple probe loggers including the single channel EL-WIFI-21CFR-TC and dual channel version EL-WIFI-21CFR-DTC and five external thermistor probe versions including two single and dual channel vaccine kits EL-WIFI-21CFR-TP+-PROBE-G & EL-WIFI-21CFR-DTP+-PROBE-G, a single channel logger EL-WiFi-21CFR-TP, a higher accuracy version EL-WiFi-21CFR-TP+ and higher accuracy dual channel version EL-WiFi-21CFR-DTP+.

21CFR Cloud subscription delivers all of the flexibility of a remote monitoring system, however, unlike standard FilesThruTheAir Cloud service, 21CFR Cloud functionality includes other controls such as Encrypted data, Permission-based use, Authority sign-off and Electronic signatures. A Cloud subscription is created during the WiFi sensor set-up process using FilesThruTheAir 21CFR WiFi Sensor Software. 21CFR WiFi sensors are only compatible with the 21CFR Cloud.